
npm install @upfrontjs/framework
yarn install @upfrontjs/framework

The library is transpiled to ES6 (currently the lowest supported version), but if you're using Typescriptopen in new window, you could choose to use the source .ts files. To do so, import files from /src folder as opposed to the library root.

import { Model } from '@upfrontjs/framework';


import { Model } from '@upfrontjs/framework/src';

This way you can deliver the files with the correct optimisation to your audience.


Instead of writing '@upfrontjs/framework/src' at every import you could choose to alias it to something shorter like '@upfrontjs' in the bundler of your choice. (If doing so, don't forget to add the aliases to your typescript and test runner configuration too if applicable.)

You're now ready to write your first model.

Optional steps

Add your base endpoint to the configuration in your entry file like so:

import { GlobalConfig } from '@upfrontjs/framework';

new GlobalConfig({
    baseEndPoint: ''

If you have any custom service implementations add them to the configuration:

import { GlobalConfig } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
import MyHandler from './Services/MyHandler';

new GlobalConfig({
    apiResponseHandler: MyHandler,

Backend requirements

Given UpfrontJS is back-end agnostic, there are 2-3 requirements that needs to be fulfilled by the server in order for this package to work as expected. These are the:

  • Parsing the request

    • Your server should be capable of parsing the query string or request body sent by upfront. The shape of the request depends on the used ApiCaller implementation. Users with REST apis using the default API service may also take a look at the anatomy of the request the service generates.
  • Responding with appropriate data

    • The returned data should be representative of the query string/body.
    • It is in a format that the used HandlesApiResponse implementation can parse into an object or array of objects.
  • Endpoints defined

    If using a REST api and the default API service:

    • Your server should implement the expected REST endpoints which are the following using the example of a users:
      • GET users/ - index endpoint returning all users.
      • POST users/ - endpoint used for saving the user data.
      • GET users/{id} - get a single user.
      • PUT/PATCH users/{id} - endpoint used to update partially or in full the user data.
      • DELETE users/{id} - delete a single user.


Note that if you expect to experience high traffic for some unique data, you should probably still write a dedicated RPC endpoint for it, instead of parsing the query and letting an ORM figure it out.