Upfront exports some helper functions that are utilities for your development and/or stylistic choice of how you interact with upfront.
Table of content
Upfront provides some helper methods to help manipulate strings. All of these are also available on the String.prototype
if you choose to include the helper files in your script and if you have not already defined the same methods. The helper can be reached at:
import '@upfrontjs/framework/string.min.js';
// or
import '@upfrontjs/framework/';
import '@upfrontjs/framework/src/string';
The signature of the methods on the String.prototype
methods matches the below, except the first argument can be omitted as that is taken from the context. For example:
'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'.after('over ').before('.').plural().ucFirst().finish('?'); // 'The lazy dogs?'
import { after, before, plural, ucFirst, finish } from '@upfrontjs/framework/string.min.js';
finish(ucFirst(plural(before(after('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'over '), '.'))), '?'); // 'The lazy dogs?'
The ucFirst
method sets the first character the given string to uppercase.
import { ucFirst } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
ucFirst('string'); // 'String'
The title
method turns the given string to Title Case.
import { title } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
title('someRandom string'); // Some Random String
The finish
method ensures that the given string ends with the given token.
import { finish } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
finish('string', '!'); // 'string!'
finish('string!', '!'); // 'string!'
The start
method ensures that the given string starts with the given token.
import { start } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
start('string', 'is '); // 'is string'
start('is string', 'is '); // 'is string'
The camel
method turns the given string into camelCase.
import { camel } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
camel('String value'); // 'stringValue'
The snake
method turns the given string into snake_case.
import { snake } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
snake('String value'); // 'string_value'
The kebab
method turns the given string into kebab-case.
import { kebab } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
kebab('String value'); // 'string-value'
The plural
method pluralises the given string.
import { plural } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
plural('car'); // 'cars'
plural('goose'); // geese
The singular
method returns the singular form of the given string.
import { singular } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
singular('cars'); // car
singular('geese'); // goose
The before
method returns part of the string before the given token. If the given token is not found or is an empty string ''
or the string starts with the token, then it returns an empty string.
import { before } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
before('string', 'r'); // 'st'
before('string', 'not found token'); // ''
before('string', ''); // ''
before('string', 's'); // ''
The beforeLast
method returns the part of the given string before the last occurrence of the given token. If the given token is not found or is an empty string ''
or the string starts with the token and is the last occurrence, then it returns an empty string.
import { beforeLast } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
beforeLast('this is a string', 't'); // 'this is a s'
beforeLast('string', 'not found token'); // ''
beforeLast('string', ''); // ''
beforeLast('string', 's'); // ''
The after
method returns part of the given string after the first occurrence of the given token. If the given token is not found or is an empty string ''
or the string ends with the token and is the first occurrence, then it returns an empty string.
import { after } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
after('string', 'n'); // 'g'
after('string', ''); // ''
after('string', 'g'); // ''
after('string', 'not found token'); // ''
The afterLast
method returns part of the given string after the last occurrence of the given token. If the given token is not found or is an empty string ''
or the string ends with the token, then it returns an empty string.
import { afterLast } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
afterLast('this is a string', 't'); // 'ring'
afterLast('this is a string', ''); // ''
afterLast('this is a string', 'g'); // ''
afterLast('this is a string', 'not found token'); // ''
The pascal
method turns the given string into PascalCase.
import { pascal } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
pascal('someValue'); // 'SomeValue'
The limit
method limits the given string ti the specified length and appends it with a string.
import { limit } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
limit('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 9); // 'The quick...'
limit('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 9, ' {...}'); // 'The quick {...}'
The words
method limits the given string to the specified number of words and appends it with a string.
import { words } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
words('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 3); // 'The quick brown...
words('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 3, ' {...}'); // 'The quick brown {...}
The is
method determines whether the given string matches the given pattern. The pattern can be a string, a string using glob patten or a RegExp
. The method accepts a third boolean argument which is to whether ignore letter casing or not when the second argument is a string.
import { is } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
is('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'The quick*'); // true
is('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', new RegExp(/jumps/)); // true
is('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'the quick*', true); // true
The includesAll
method determines whether all tokens are included in the given string.
import { includesAll } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
includesAll('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', ['fox', 'jumps', 'dog']); // true
The uuid
method generates a version 4 universally unique identifier.
import { uuid } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
uuid(); // '971cde1c-2429-4846-bfa7-e62ff5d65363'
Given this is used for generating string, as such isn't available on the String.prototype
but on the String
constructor. Therefore, you may use it as String.uuid()
The isUuid
method determines whether the given value is a UUID.
import { isUuid } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
isUuid('380f4ac6-1463-4024-8d53-78da9ad0756c') // true
is as also available on the String
constructor to be consistent with the uuid
String.isUuid('value') // false
Upfront provides a couple of helper methods to help work with arrays. These methods are also available on the Array.prototype
and/or the Array
constructor if you choose to include helper file in your script and if not already defined any of them. The helper can be reached at:
The collect
method returns a Collection instance.
import { collect } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // Collection
The paginate
method returns a Paginator instance. The arguments match the Paginator's constructor signature.
import { paginate } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
paginate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 5, true); // Paginator
The wrap
method ensures that the given value is an array. If the helper file is included this method is available on the Array
constructor not the prototype.
import { wrap } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
wrap(1); // [1]
wrap([1]); // [1]
wrap(); // []
The factory
method returns a FactoryBuilder. It first takes a model constructor and optionally an amount
argument which is the equivalent of the times
method on the FactoryBuilder.
import { factory } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
import User from '@/Models/User';
const userModelCollection = factory(User, 5).make(); // ModelCollection
The collect
method returns a Collection instance with the passed in items.
import { collect } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
const numberCollection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // Collection
The paginate
method returns a Paginator instance with the passed in items.
import { paginate } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
const paginator = paginate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // Paginator
The isObjectLiteral
is a helper function to evaluate that the passed in argument is a non-null object literal {}
import { paginate } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
isObjectLiteral({}); // true
The isUserLandClass
is a helper to evaluate that the passed in argument is a class constructor defined in the script, which can be used with the new
import { isUserLandClass } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
isUserLandClass(class C {}); // true
This only returns true for classes that are not built-ins, e.g.: isUserLandClass(Array)
will be false.
The transformKeys
method recursively transforms the keys of the given object. to the given casing. The first argument is the object to transform, the second argument is the casing ('camel'
| 'snake'
) to transform to (default: 'camel'
). This will not transform classes and built in methods (eg.: toString()
won't become to_string()
import { transformKeys } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
const obj = {
nestedObjects: [
{ my_key: 1 }
my_key: 2
transformKeys(obj); // { nestedObjects: [{ myKey: 1 }], myKey: 2 };
The retry
method is a helper to retry a promise function a number of times if the promise rejects. The function takes 3 arguments:
- The function to retrymaxRetries
(default: 3) - The number of times to retry. You may specify an array of timeouts as a shorthand for specifying themaxRetries
arguments. If it is an array, thetimeout
argument will be ignored.timeout
(default: 0) - The delay in milliseconds between retries. If the delay has been set to0
, the function will run again as soon as the promise rejects. This could also be a function that accepts the current retry count and returns the delay.errorCheck
- An optional function that accepts the error and returns a boolean to determine whether to retry or not.
import { retry } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
import User from '@/Models/User';
// Retry the function `User.get()` 3 times with a delay of 1 second between each retry. Therefore, sending off 4 (initial + retries) requests in total.
const user = retry(async () => User.find(1), 3, 1000)
.catch(() => {
console.log('We really can\'t find the user.');
// Retry the function with progressively longer delays.
const user2 = retry(User.all, 3, attemptNumber => attemptNumber * 1000);
// Retry the request 3 times only if the error is of the expected error.
retry(fetch(''), 3, 1000, error => error instanceof Error && error.code === 429);
// Retry 3 times with a delay of 1 second, 2 seconds and 3 seconds.
retry(fetch(''), [1000, 2000, 3000]);
#### dataGet
The `dataGet` is a helper method to safely access any path within an object or array. If the path does not exist, it will return the default value (default: `undefined`). Optionally the path may include a wildcard `*` to match array elements.
import { dataGet } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
import Team from '~/Models/Team';
import User from '~/Models/User';
import Shift from '~/Models/Shift';
const complexStructure = Team.factory().with(
User.factory().with(Shift.factory().attributes({ id: 1 }))
dataGet(complexStructure, '') === 1; // true
const objectMatrix = [
[{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }],
[{ id: 3 }, { id: 4 }]
dataGet(objectMatrix, '*.*.id'); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
dataGet(objectMatrix, '*.*.name', []); // []
The value
is a function that simply resolves the given argument. If function given it will call the function with the passed in parameters. If not function given, it will return the value.
import { value } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
value({}); // {};
value(true); // true;
value(() => []); // []
(firstNum: number, secondNum: number) => firstNum + secondNum,
); // 2
The dataGet
is a helper method to safely access any path within an object or array. If the path does not exist, it will return the default value (default: undefined
). Optionally the path may include a wildcard *
to match array elements.
import { dataGet } from '@upfrontjs/framework';
const complexStructure = [
users: [
shifts: [
{ id: 1 }
dataGet(complexStructure, ''); // 1
dataGet(complexStructure, '0.users.0.shifts.*.id'); // [1]
dataGet(complexStructure, ''); // undefined
dataGet(complexStructure, '', 'default name'); // 'default name'